The item that Angelika thought was just a normal, creepy looking tent turned out to be a monster. Go figure.
The creature is known as a Circadae Dimonio. It's essentially a huge, chaotic evil outsider that takes the form of a circus tent with a hideous clown face. In addition to its ghastly appearance it also has powerful arms it can slam opponents with. It also uses a variety of spell-like and supernatural abilities revolving around a circus theme.
Angelika originally bought this item at a curiousity shop because she burned down her original tent. Unfortunately for her friends and sister, Angelika loved the clown tent and continued using it for sleeping. |
After Angelika had died, the tent was left behind when Julie and pals teleported to a place to resurrect her. However, the tent somehow returned to her at a hotel in Silverfronds. This deeply unnerved Julie, but Angelika was elated.
Eventually Angelika was told about the tent's true nature by Brother Jack, a Cleric Angelika had made fast friends with. The tent then attacked the group once its cover was blown. The Circadae Dimonio was destroyed in that battle, leaving Angelika without a disturbing place to sleep. |